ASB President: Ben Skinner
ASB Vice President: Collin Fitzpatrick
ASB Secretary: Lyah Fitzpatrick
ASB Treasurer: Sandy McGlothlin
Clubs Commissioner: Eli Yasui
School Board Representative: Cory Kodira
Communications Commissioner: Kyu Choi
Secretary of Spirit: Graham Segel
Senior Class President: Sophia Fingerman
Senior Class Vice President: Cate Scheuring
Junior Class President: Keane Deas
Junior Class Vice President: Celia Cariou Gomez
ASB President Candidates
Catie Fee
Hi DHS! I believe I am the best candidate for President for one reason: my commitment. Since I ran for student council in second grade, I have shown a commitment to my schools, and to serving my classmates.
I have learned the skills needed to be a great student government member and ASB President: Trust in my classmates. Organization. Belief in our school’s potential. And most important, dedication, which I absolutely have.
My experience has taught me: it may take long hours, or sacrificing other priorities, to serve you. I am prepared to do just that as your ASB President.
Ben Skinner
I have held numerous leadership positions in clubs at Davis High and at Emerson. For the past year, I have served as your School Board Representative, making your voice heard to the district’s top governing body. In this role, I fought to ensure your interests were protected and opinions were known. As your president, I will continue this fight. I promise that if I am elected, students will have a say in decisions by the school’s administration and will be well informed about important developments. By voting for Ben Skinner, you are voting for transparency, fairness, and strong student representation.
ASB Vice President Candidates
Collin Fitzpatrick
Qualifications no one actually cares about: middle school ASB President, 6 years of leadership at 4 schools, School Site Council, CSF officer, Quiz Bowl Vice President, Davis High Treasurer, other boring stuff.
Real reasons why Collin Fitzpatrick is the best candidate: school’s biggest nerd, can solve a rubik’s cube in 10 seconds, favorite hobby is organization, aspires to be Vice President when he grows up, etc.
Vote Collin Fitzpatrick for ASB Vice President. He fitz the job.
Sophie Purves
I believe I am the most qualified for the position of ASB Vice President because I have been in leadership classes since 8th grade, which has given me insight on different ways to successfully and efficiently run student government class. Besides experience, I love it. I am a part of student government because I love it, not for college apps, but because I genuinely enjoy it. So when you’re voting, remember to vote Purves if you want someone who knows and loves what they’re doing to win.
ASB Secretary Candidates
Lyah Fitzpatrick
Hey Blue Devils! My name is Lyah Fitzpatrick, and I’m running for ASB Secretary. Being secretary requires organization and focus. Taking weighted classes to maintain a high GPA, as well as participating in club/school soccer year round, clubs, and speech/debate, has forced me to master organization to succeed. But holding a seat in Student Government also means representing DHS. If given the opportunity to be your ASB Secretary, I’d love to take feedback and suggestions in office. In fact, you can contact me now at with any questions or comments. Fly a vote for Lyah!
Lucy Knudsen
As a candidate for ASB Secretary, it’s important that I am accustomed for the role. Fortunately, I have years of experience; I’ve been in student government for both of my years here at DHS and have been active in similar leadership and student council programs throughout my school career. I’ve led several larger committees in the student government class (holiday cheer and now kindness week) and was school secretary in my freshman year. Additionally, I’m a speedy typer and am well known for being organized. I hope I can count on your vote!
Sam Hendrix
I believe that I am the best candidate for ASB Secretary because I am committed to the well being of this school. With my experience I have come to understand that the little things such as taking notes during meetings can affect the outcomes of events. With this understanding and my passion for improving this school, I will ensure that meetings flow as smoothly as possible and have the least amount of errors. As secretary I will contribute my ideas as well as making sure everyone else’s voice is heard. Vote Sam Hendrix as your next ASB Secretary.
ASB Treasurer Candidate
Sandy McGlothlin
My parents knew from the start that I was destined to be ASB Treasurer, so they decided on the name Sandra “Money-Moves” McGlothlin before I was even out the womb. I’m so dedicated to the grind that I’ve had the same calculator since 7th grade. That right there proves I’m capable of keeping track of stuff. I intend on using that very calculator to form budgets that will make all our Davis High events spectacular next year. With my skillfully crafted Google-Forms, Homecoming, Winter Ball, Prom, and other Student Government events will be the best this school has ever seen.
Clubs Commissioner Candidates
Adam Brugger
I would be the most qualified candidate position of Clubs Commissioner because of my experience in holding multiple officer positions in clubs at DHS. I am also highly-motivated and ready to continue the culture of having diverse and interesting clubs on campus. During my time at DHS, I have been apart of numerous clubs that have helped me realize the power that they bring to our student body. By holding Club Officer positions for both Jewish Student Union and Nature Appreciation Club I have gained invaluable experience in leadership and management of club activities.
Eli Yasui
I, Eli Yasui, believe that I am the most viable candidate for the position of clubs commissioner, because of my experience in managing clubs like Quizbowl and Bad Movie Club. I believe that under my rule as DHS clubs commissioner, Davis Senior High School will become an overall safer, cleaner, and more culturally enriching experience for its students and staff. I also have shown to command great respect as the President in my Brawl Stars clan, and thus deserve your vote for the 2019-2020 DHS Clubs Commissioner.
School Board Representative Candidates
Emily Jiang
I believe I am the most qualified candidate to be your School Board Representative because not only am I the most capable, I am the most passionate. I am very hardworking and I enjoy working with others. I was also the Sophomore Class Senator from Harper Junior High, so I understand the responsibility of being an ASB officer.
A good School Board Representative should be driven to improve the school through relations with the School Board. I am willing to do whatever it takes to improve the relationship between the School Board and the Student Government so that students will always be update on all matters.
Cory Kodira
If you haven’t already heard, I’m by far the best candidate for School Board Representative. Ever since my years at Harper Junior High School where I was elected student body president, I have always strived to fill leadership positions where I can make positive changes for the students. My extensive involvement in student government - from seventh grade through my years at DHS - has allowed me to develop strong leadership qualities. When elected, I will work passionately to make all events and/or dances more relaxed so that students can have a memorable DHS experience.
Communications Commissioner
Kyu Choi
Hello my name is Kyu but you can call me Q. I have spent many of my gamer years to master the various languages of many lands. I think that it is about time to test my mettle by running for Communications Commissioner. I have learned English, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. And yes, it would be bold you to assume that I am illiterate in all four of those languages. It would be easy to prove my haters wrong and show that I am a lord of pick up lines. If you vote for me, I will teach you how to pull guys, gals, and non binary pals in at least four different ways. Vote for ya boi, Choi.
Alondra Sanchez Diaz
Hello, my name is Alondra Sanchez Diaz and I would like to be next year’s Communications Commissioner. I firmly believe that I am the most qualified candidate for this position because I have the qualities of being very open, friendly, and honest with people. I hold everyone’s best interests at heart, and will strive to continue to do so while serving in the position. The collective student body is extremely important to me, I highly value it, and through being Communications Commissioner, I know that I can better serve my fellow peers.
Secretary of Spirit Candidates
Allison Metler
My names Allison Metler and I believe I would be the best as secretary of spirit, here's why...
I have so much school spirit solely because I love Davis High School so much. After going to school in Sacramento for my freshmen year and not liking it very much at all, I learned to appreciate a school I really enjoyed and that school was Davis High. I genuinely want to make Davis High a better place. I also really want to work with the other student government members to make rallies, dances, spirit weeks, and more the best they can be!
Graham Segel
Attention all DHS GANGSTERS (you!!!!) - GRAHAM SEGEL (me!!!!) is running for SECRETARY OF SPIRIT. Once I am SOS, DHS will have BIG MONEY SWAG - and that’s a GUARANTEE. Using my past experience as a multi-BILLIONAIRE, seven-time NBA CHAMPION, and past member of the backstreet boys, I PROMISE that I will get DHS this money. As leader of the BDP Squad I will increase school spirit at ALL DHS RELATED EVENTS by 1 BILLION PERCENT and I will also make SPIRIT DAYS HELLA COOL. A vote for Graham Segel is a vote for American Independence. Also stream J $wag on spotify.
Senior Class President Candidates
Sophia Fingerman
My goal as your Senior Class President is to give the Class of 2020 a senior year and Prom to exceed expectations. I’m hard working, creative, and most of all, I’m so passionate about this job. All year I’ve been coming up with ideas as to how I can help make our Senior Year one that everybody will enjoy and remember. It’s so important to me to create an atmosphere of inclusivity, diversity, and compassion, and to highlight all of the different interests and perspectives of our Senior Class through new and standing events, and of course, a fantastic Prom.
Sydney Moore
I am the most qualified candidate for Senior Class President because for two years in Student Government I have planned events that have aimed to include all types of students at DHS. I am passionate about making our final year at the high school as exciting and fun as possible for every student while starting new traditions that our class can remember years from now. I want to do more class events, more recognition, more everything. So it’s simple… If you want more, vote Moore!
Senior Class Vice President Candidates
Cate Scheuring
I am the most qualified candidate for Senior Class VP because I have experience in the Student Government class. I have spent this whole speech year working in committees alongside this year’s Senior Class Vice President and President, learning how exactly the position works and what it takes to make senior year amazing! I have been in BDP Squad the past two years now and I am very invested in DHS’s school spirit, I love to participate in all school events and get everyone else excited about them too.
Cat Nguyen
I am the most qualified candidate for the position of Senior Class Vice President because I understand and am willing to uphold the responsibilities this position entails. I love planning events for everybody to participate in and enjoy, but I also know that the entire process is time-consuming and has financial needs. Because of my experience in planning large events in Junior High, such as rallies, I know how to adapt my skills to meet the requests or demands of the student body. Because of my ability to relate to a number of students, I can take their ideas about school improvement into account. With all of this, I know I would be a good representative of the student body.
Nathan Lopez
Hi I’m Nathan Lopez and I’m running for Senior Vice President. I’m running because I love our school and the things we do here. As Vice president I would really like to get all the students involved in some way especially the new students coming in. I was a shy person at first but I have been able to open up because of this great school. I know I can help other students that might have same insecurities as I did too and be more involved. I know if elected Vice President not only would I be the happiest person but I will give you 100% each and every day. I would like to have this great opportunity to prove not only myself but to our school who am and what I can accomplish.
Junior Class President Candidates
Keane Deas
I am the best qualified for Junior president because of my experience as a leader. I have been elected for two different ASB positions in the past, so I have the skills and knowhow of being an elected leader. In addition to this, I have been part of a leadership/student government class for three years now. Since being part of the class is part of the position, I will not have to spend time getting situated in the class which will give me more time for committee work and other school beneficial activities.
Mohamed Elmashad
I’m seeking the position of Junior Class President because I have the leadership experience, skill, and dedication for it. I want to make a difference at DHS and this position will empower me, even more, to do so. I want to make the upcoming year enjoyable for everyone at DHS by making students more engaged with school activities. I also want to give each and every student a voice. A vote for ME will benefit you!